- Extends
- UWindowPulldownMenu
+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowDialogControl
+-- UWindow.UWindowListControl
+-- UWindow.UWindowPulldownMenu
+-- UMenu.UMenuStatsMenu
Inherited Functions from UWindow.UWindowPulldownMenu |
AddMenuItem, BeforeExecuteItem, BeforePaint, Clear, CloseUp, Created, DeSelect, DrawItem, DrawMenuBackground, ExecuteItem, FocusOtherWindow, GetMenuBar, KeyDown, KeyUp, LMouseDown, LMouseUp, MenuCmd, MouseMove, Paint, PerformSelect, Select, SetSelected, ShowWindow |
var localized string About2Help;
var localized string About2Name;
var localized string AboutHelp;
var localized string AboutName;
var localized string ViewGlobalHelp;
var localized string ViewGlobalName;
var localized string ViewLocalHelp;
var localized string ViewLocalName;
function Created ( ) )
ViewLocalName="View Local ngStats"
ViewLocalHelp="View your game statistics accumulated in single player and practice games."
ViewGlobalName="View Global ngWorldStats"
ViewGlobalHelp="View your game statistics accumulated online."
AboutName="Help with &ngStats"
AboutHelp="Get information about local stat logging."
About2Name="Help with &ngWorldStats"
About2Help="Get information about global stat logging."
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:18.330 - Created with