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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- Botpack.TournamentGameInfo
            +-- Botpack.DeathMatchPlus
               +-- Botpack.TrainingDM

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Botpack.DeathMatchPlus
AirControl, AvgOpponentRating, bAlreadyChanged, bAltScoring, bAlwaysForceRespawn, bChallengeMode, bChangeLevels, bDontRestart, bFirstBlood, bForceRespawn, bFulfilledSpecial, bHardCoreMode, bJumpMatch, bMegaSpeed, bMultiWeaponStay, bNetReady, bNoviceMode, BotConfig, BotConfigType, bRatedTranslocator, bRequireReady, bStartMatch, bThreePlus, bTournament, bTutorialGame, bUseTranslocator, CountDown, CountDownMessage, ElapsedTime, EndTime, FragLimit, GameEndedMessage, gamegoal, IDnum, InitialBots, LadderTypeIndex, LastStartSpot, LastTauntTime, LastTaunt[4], LoseCount, MaxCommanders, MinPlayers, NetWait, NoNameChange, NotReadyMessage, NumBots, NumCommanders, NumOpp, OvertimeMessage, PlayerRating, RatedGameLadderObj, RatedMatchConfig, RatedPlayer, ReadyMessage, RemainingBots, RemainingTime, RestartWait, SingleWaitingMessage, StartCount, StartMessage, StartUpMessage, TimeLimit, TourneyMessage, WaitingMessage1, WaitingMessage2, WinCount
Inherited Variables from Botpack.TournamentGameInfo
bDisallowOverride, BestFPHs[3], BestPlayers[3], BestRecordDate[3], bRatedGame, BurnedMessage, CorrodedMessage, DeathMessage[32], DeathModifier[5], DeathPrep, DeathTerm, DeathVerb, DrownedMessage, EndStatsClass, ExplodeMessage, FallMessage, FemaleSuicideMessage, HackedMessage, HeadLossMessage[2], MajorDeathMessage[8], MaleSuicideMessage, MortarMessage, RedeemerClass, SuicideMessage, TotalDeaths, TotalFlags, TotalFrags, TotalGames

Functions Summary
function AddDefaultInventory (pawn PlayerPawn ))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function DMTutEvent0 ()))
function DMTutEvent1 ()))
function DMTutEvent10 ()))
function DMTutEvent11 ()))
function DMTutEvent12 ()))
function DMTutEvent13 ()))
function DMTutEvent14 ()))
function DMTutEvent15 ()))
function DMTutEvent16 ()))
function DMTutEvent17 ()))
function DMTutEvent18 ()))
function DMTutEvent19 ()))
function DMTutEvent2 ()))
function DMTutEvent20 ()))
function DMTutEvent21 ()))
function DMTutEvent22 ()))
function DMTutEvent23 ()))
function DMTutEvent3 ()))
function DMTutEvent4 ()))
function DMTutEvent5 ()))
function DMTutEvent6 ()))
function DMTutEvent7 ()))
function DMTutEvent8 ()))
function DMTutEvent9 ()))
function EndGame (string Reason ))
event InitGame (string Options, out string Error ))
function InitRatedGame (LadderInventory LadderObj, PlayerPawn LadderPlayer))
function LoadKeyBindings (PlayerPawn P))
eventplayerpawn Login (string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass ))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
functionbool SuccessfulGame ()))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
function Timer ()))
function TutorialSound (string NewSound ))
Inherited Functions from Botpack.DeathMatchPlus
AcceptInventory, AddBot, AddDefaultInventory, AllowTranslocation, AssessBotAttitude, CanSpectate, CanTranslocate, ChangeName, CheckReady, CheckThisTranslocator, EndSpree, FindPlayerStart, ForceAddBot, GameThreatAdd, GetRules, GiveWeapon, InitGame, InitGameReplicationInfo, InitRatedGame, Killed, LogGameParameters, Login, Logout, ModifyBehaviour, NeedPlayers, NeverStakeOut, NotifySpree, OneOnOne, PickAmbushSpotFor, PlayerJumpZScaling, PlayStartUpMessage, PlayTeleportEffect, PlayWinMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PreCacheReferences, RateVs, ReduceDamage, RestartGame, RestartPlayer, ScoreKill, SendStartMessage, SetEndCams, SetGameSpeed, ShouldRespawn, Skip, SkipAll, SpawnBot, SpawnRatedBot, SpawnWait, StartMatch, SuccessfulGame, Timer, TooManyBots
Inherited Functions from Botpack.TournamentGameInfo
AtCapacity, BroadcastRegularDeathMessage, CalcEndStats, CreatureKillMessage, DiscardInventory, EmptyBestSlot, GetTimeStamp, KillMessage, Login, PlayerKillMessage, PlaySpawnEffect, PlayTeleportEffect, ShouldRespawn

States Summary
ChunkTheNali Source code
state ChunkTheNali
FreeRunning1 Source code
state FreeRunning1
FreeRunning10 Source code
state FreeRunning10
FreeRunning2 Source code
state FreeRunning2
BeginState, Tick
FreeRunning3 Source code
state FreeRunning3
BeginState, Tick
FreeRunning4 Source code
state FreeRunning4
FreeRunning5 Source code
state FreeRunning5
FreeRunning6 Source code
state FreeRunning6
FreeRunning7 Source code
state FreeRunning7
FreeRunning8 Source code
state FreeRunning8
FreeRunning9 Source code
state FreeRunning9
ServerTravel Source code
state ServerTravel
BeginState, Timer

Variables Detail

bPause Source code

var bool bPause;

bReadyToSpawn Source code

var bool bReadyToSpawn;

DM[24] Source code

var string DM[24];

EventIndex Source code

var int EventIndex;

EventTimer Source code

var int EventTimer;

KeyAlias[255] Source code

var string KeyAlias[255];

LastEvent Source code

var int LastEvent;

LastLocation Source code

var vector LastLocation;

LastRotation Source code

var rotator LastRotation;

SoundIndex Source code

var int SoundIndex;

Trainee Source code

var PlayerPawn Trainee;

TutMessage14Parts[2] Source code

var localized string TutMessage14Parts[2];

TutMessage15Parts[2] Source code

var localized string TutMessage15Parts[2];

TutMessage4Parts[5] Source code

var localized string TutMessage4Parts[5];

TutMessage6Parts[2] Source code

var localized string TutMessage6Parts[2];

TutMessage[24] Source code

var localized string TutMessage[24];

Functions Detail

AddDefaultInventory Source code

function AddDefaultInventory ( pawn PlayerPawn ) )

BeginState FreeRunning2 Source code

function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState FreeRunning3 Source code

function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState ServerTravel Source code

function BeginState ( ) )

DMTutEvent0 Source code

function DMTutEvent0 ( ) )

DMTutEvent1 Source code

function DMTutEvent1 ( ) )

DMTutEvent10 Source code

function DMTutEvent10 ( ) )

DMTutEvent11 Source code

function DMTutEvent11 ( ) )

DMTutEvent12 Source code

function DMTutEvent12 ( ) )

DMTutEvent13 Source code

function DMTutEvent13 ( ) )

DMTutEvent14 Source code

function DMTutEvent14 ( ) )

DMTutEvent15 Source code

function DMTutEvent15 ( ) )

DMTutEvent16 Source code

function DMTutEvent16 ( ) )

DMTutEvent17 Source code

function DMTutEvent17 ( ) )

DMTutEvent18 Source code

function DMTutEvent18 ( ) )

DMTutEvent19 Source code

function DMTutEvent19 ( ) )

DMTutEvent2 Source code

function DMTutEvent2 ( ) )

DMTutEvent20 Source code

function DMTutEvent20 ( ) )

DMTutEvent21 Source code

function DMTutEvent21 ( ) )

DMTutEvent22 Source code

function DMTutEvent22 ( ) )

DMTutEvent23 Source code

function DMTutEvent23 ( ) )

DMTutEvent3 Source code

function DMTutEvent3 ( ) )

DMTutEvent4 Source code

function DMTutEvent4 ( ) )

DMTutEvent5 Source code

function DMTutEvent5 ( ) )

DMTutEvent6 Source code

function DMTutEvent6 ( ) )

DMTutEvent7 Source code

function DMTutEvent7 ( ) )

DMTutEvent8 Source code

function DMTutEvent8 ( ) )

DMTutEvent9 Source code

function DMTutEvent9 ( ) )

EndGame Source code

function EndGame ( string Reason ) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error ) )

InitRatedGame Source code

function InitRatedGame ( LadderInventory LadderObj, PlayerPawn LadderPlayer) )

LoadKeyBindings Source code

function LoadKeyBindings ( PlayerPawn P) )

Login Source code

event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass ) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

SuccessfulGame Source code

function bool SuccessfulGame ( ) )

Tick ChunkTheNali Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning1 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning10 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning2 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning3 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning4 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning5 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning6 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning7 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning8 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Tick FreeRunning9 Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Timer Source code

function Timer ( ) )

Timer ServerTravel Source code

function Timer ( ) )

TutorialSound Source code

function TutorialSound ( string NewSound ) )


     TutMessage(0)="Welcome to Deathmatch combat training. Deathmatch is a sport in which you compete against other gun-wielding players in a fast paced free-for-all. The object is to destroy all of your enemies by any means necessary."
     TutMessage(1)="Every time you take an enemy out you get a point, called a 'frag' in gaming lingo. You can see your frag count on the left side of the screen. At the end of the game the player with the most frags wins the match."
     TutMessage(2)="Remember, if you accidentally blow yourself up or fall into lava you will lose a frag!"
     TutMessage(3)="Let's learn some basics about moving around. A good deathmatch player is always moving, because a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one."
     TutMessage(4)="The forward key moves you forward while the backward key makes you backpedal. The left key causes you to strafe left, while the right key, you guessed it, strafes right."
     TutMessage(5)="Strafing is extremely important in deathmatch because it allows you to move from side to side without turning and losing sight or aim of your foe. Let's try strafing left and right now."
     TutMessage(6)="Another important element of moving around is jumping. Jumping allows you to reach areas of the map that are too high to walk to normally and to cross dangerous pits. Try pressing the jump button and jump around the map."
     TutMessage(8)="Now we're going to learn about Mouselooking. Move your mouse around and notice how your view shifts. This is how you look around and turn, known as Mouselook."
     TutMessage(9)="Try turning around several times by moving the mouse left to right to see the lovely battle arena."
     TutMessage(10)="Excellent. You can also look vertically to see what's occuring above and below you. In deathmatch your enemies will be attacking from above and below, so remember to always keep your eyes peeled."
     TutMessage(11)="If you feel like you are looking around too quickly you can easily adjust the sensitivity of the mouse in the OPTIONS menu."
     TutMessage(12)="Let's learn about offense. Remember, the only way to win at deathmatch is to destroy your foes with weaponry that you collect."
     TutMessage(13)="I'm going to open the weapons locker and allow access to some guns, let's pick them up and get ready for some target practice."
     TutMessage(14)="Great, now we're armed. The gun you're carrying is commonly called the 'Shock Rifle'. It, like all the weapons in the Tournament, has two firing modes. Let's try shooting the gun now. Press the fire button to emit a lethal electric beam."
     TutMessage(15)="Very good. The Shock Rifle's primary fire will instantly hit the person you shoot at. In Unreal Tournament, every weapon also has an alternate firing mode. Press the alt fire button to shoot a ball of plasma at your enemy."
     TutMessage(16)="Great! The alt fire on the Shock Rifle is slower moving than the primary fire, but does more damage. Its up to you to decide which attack is right for the situation. Sometimes you might be carrying more than one weapon. I've just put an 'Enforcer' sidearm in your pack. Each weapon has an associated number, as you can see at the bottom of your screen. The Enforcer is weapon number 2. Press 2 and switch to the enforcer. You can switch back to the Shock Rifle by pressing its number."
     TutMessage(17)="Good, now you know how to switch weapons in battle. Every weapon in Unreal Tournament is a projectile weapon except one, the 'Impact Hammer'. Press 1 now to switch to the Impact Hammer."
     TutMessage(18)="The Impact Hammer is a melee, or close combat, weapon. It requires you to be standing very close to the target to do damage. The tradeoff is that a hit will almost always kill your enemy. Press and hold the primary fire button now to charge up the impact hammer."
     TutMessage(19)="Now, run up to the Nali I just spawned. When you get close enough, the Impact Hammer will release blowing him into pieces."
     TutMessage(20)="Look at those gibs fly!  Great job."
     TutMessage(21)="Good job. Now we're going to take out some stationary targets. Shoot all three barrels to proceed."
     TutMessage(22)="Nice shootin' Tex. It's about to get harder. I'm going to release a training human opponent for you to practice on. You'll have to frag him three times to complete the tutorial. Good luck!"
     TutMessage(23)="Congratulations! You have proven yourself to be a worthy Deathmatch player. Now its time to enter the Deathmatch Tournament Ladder."
     TutMessage4Parts(0)="The forward key"
     TutMessage4Parts(1)="moves you forward while the backward key"
     TutMessage4Parts(2)="makes you backpedal. The left key"
     TutMessage4Parts(3)="causes you to strafe left, while the right key"
     TutMessage4Parts(4)=", you guessed it, strafes right."
     TutMessage6Parts(0)="Another important element of moving around is jumping. Jumping allows you to reach areas of the map that are too high to walk to normally and to cross dangerous pits. Try pressing the jump button"
     TutMessage6Parts(1)="and jump around the map."
     TutMessage14Parts(0)="Great, now we're armed. The gun you're carrying is commonly called the 'Shock Rifle'. It, like all the weapons in the Tournament, has two firing modes. Let's try shooting the gun now. Press the fire button"
     TutMessage14Parts(1)="to emit a lethal electric beam."
     TutMessage15Parts(0)="Very good. The Shock Rifle's primary fire will instantly hit the person you shoot at. In Unreal Tournament, every weapon also has an alternate firing mode. Press the alt fire button"
     TutMessage15Parts(1)="to shoot a ball of plasma at your enemy."
     GameName="Combat Training: DM"

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